Mental Health Resources:

Mental Health America offers many great resources for parents to look at when they are wondering about their children’s mental health and wellbeing. This website touches on a wide variety of topics ranging from mental health and the single parent to helping children deal with a parent or guardian’s deployment

The Check-In Project offers resources for parents on how to check in with their children to talk about their mental health, provides a list of what mental health issues are most common among children, and also had videos that are available to watch together as a family

The SAMHSA site offers resources of parents on what to look for in their children that may be possible warning signs that their child is struggling. This page also gives information on what to do if they are concerned and gives a how to on how to talk to their children about mental health

The Office of Children’s Mental Health (OCMH) supports Wisconsin’s children in achieving their optimal social and emotional well-being. Our charge is to study, recommend strategies, and coordinate initiatives to improve integration of children’s mental health services across state agencies.  Our goal is straightforward: if youth have vibrant, positive connections with family, peers, and supportive adults, their foundation will be strong, and they will be better prepared to build relationships as they move through life.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Vaping Resources:

This website,, gives a guide on how parents can talk to their teens about vaping. This is a great resource for parents whose children are vaping or who are wondering on how to help prevent their children from vaping in the first place.

Small Talks - How to Talk to Kids about Alcohol

Small Talks - How to Talk to Kids Beyond Alcohol

Parent’s Guide to Fentanyl

Parent’s Tip Sheet on Discussing E-Cigarettes

Parent’s Guide to Alcohol and Drugs